The Trade & Technology Dialogue

Supporting the European Commission with organising activities for the EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council (TTC), over a three-year period (May 2022-May 2025)

The TTD mobilises experts and stakeholders on both sides of the Atlantic with events and research outputs to facilitate inclusive, efficient and effective discussions and joint initiatives in support of the political goals of the TTC, and a deepened and strengthened EU-U.S. trade and technology partnership.

Upcoming Events

Crafting The Transatlantic Green Marketplace: Stakeholder Event under the Transatlantic Initiative for Sustainable Trade (TIST)

Past Events & Analysis

31 May 2023 / Luleå, Sweden
Fourth EU-U.S. Trade and Technology Council Ministerial (TTC4) Stakeholder Event



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Social Media

Follow the Trade and Technology Council’s activities through the European Commission social media accounts, as well as the Trade and Technology Dialogue feed on Twitter and LinkedIn.

Consortium Partners


Consortium Leader


Consortium Partner


Consortium Partner

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Consortium Partner


Capacity Providing Entity

Contact Us

Get in touch and learn more about the stakeholder activities, and how you can contribute by regularly following the updates on Futurium where all upcoming events, research outputs, and further content will be announced.

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